Tag Archives: PSDay.uk

PSDay.uk Slides & Code

I had the pleasure of presenting at PSDay.uk recently. PSDay uk was sponsored by Ticketmaster and G-Research in London. I presented the following topic:

PowerShell Classes for Ops transitioning to Dev

I’ve been fascinated by PowerShell classes since its introduction in v5. When Rob Sewell ask me to do a session at the PSDay.uk, I didn’t have to think too long about the topic 🙂

I’ll be honest that the first 5 minutes was kinda nerve wrecking. I wasn’t nervous at first until I stood there and had some kind of outer-body experience…

Holy crap this is really happening!!! Calm down Urv… Whooza… Get to the code…

Once I got settled in, my nerves calmed down…

The code is bases on an interaction I had with Jaap Brasser (The legend himself 😉 ) on his blog a while back. At first I thought I didn’t have enough code but it all timed-out perfectly in the end.

Here’s the link to the code & presentation.

Shout out to Doug Finke for taking the time to break down classes for me. Doug is a true Developer and an great guy! I truly believe that the right people are placed in our paths when we need them most. Yet only if we remain open-minded and willing to learn can these mentors help us reach new levels of development. I can’t thank you enough Doug, your contribution to the community is plain awesome! You make me want to be a better coder!

Thank you PSDay.uk for this great experience! Til’ next time? 😛

