Monthly Archives: June 2016

Active Directory ReportUnit Pester results

‘Sup PSHomies,

As excited as I get whenever I see all purple (or is it magenta? 😛 ) and green on my test results, how do you report your results? I saw this great article on reporting against Pester results by Dirk Bremen. I did see a screenshot of this somewhere on twitter but it didn’t register at that time. So having this article was great! You should definitely read his blog!

When I saved the Active Directory operational readiness, I realized that on screen it looked great, but as a report it was kinda flat. So I went back and looked at the code, I had only on Describe!

I decided to categorize the test by functionality and give the test appropriate Tags. Giving the tests tags helps target a specific test, no need to run the whole test to get a specific test 😉

Describe AD

Save the output to a XML file. I saw Flynn Bundy use the -PassThru switch to save the results as an object.

Pester ReportUnit

I also exported the results to XML just for good measure. You can always refer to past results if necessary…

Here’s a screenshot with the Forest operational test expanded:

ReportUnit AD Forest


A little Slack notification on the side please!

Flynn also used Slack to send a notification. As luck would have it @pscookiemonster has a Slack Module aptly named, wait for it… PSSlack! Warren’s take on Slack is definitely worth reading if you’re considering using Slack as  a way to communicate with team members. I’m quite notorious for stalking my colleagues with unsolicited notification/reports. Slack is a great way to communicate without feeling pushy about it. Information is there, feel free to read it or don’t, your call.

I’m using the summary count of the Pester results for notification purposes.


Quick tip on the token: Jaap Brasser has a blog about saving credentials safely. Your Slack token should be treated as careful as a password. I saved the token as a password using the Slack team name as the username for reference. This makes retrieving the token simple.


Here’s what the notification looks like in Slack

SlackNotification Resullts

Warren’s module is one to watch!

Ok here the code all put together:

Author: I. Strachan
Version History:
Purpose: Get Active Directory Report Unit tests and send notification to Slack
#region import module and saved credentials/tokens
Import-Module PSSlack
#Jaap Brassers blog on saving credentials. Saved slack's token as a password
$savedCreds = Import-CliXml -Path "${env:\userprofile}\Hash.Cred"
$token = $savedCreds.'udm-slack'.GetNetworkCredential().Password
$exportDate = Get-Date -Format ddMMyyyy
#region Main
$pesterADDS = Invoke-Pester .\ps1\dsa\AD.Operations* -OutputFile .\export\adds\ADConfiguration.NUnit.xml -OutputFormat NUnitXml -PassThru
#run reportunit against DFSnShares.NUnit.xml and display result in browser
& .\tools\ReportUnit\reportunit.exe .\export\adds\ADConfiguration.NUnit.xml
Invoke-Item .\export\adds\ADConfiguration.NUnit.html
#Export Pester results to xml
$pesterADDS | Export-Clixml .\export\adds\PesterResults-ADDS-$($exportDate).xml -Encoding UTF8
#region Send Slack notification of Pester results
$iconEmoji = @{$true = ':white_check_mark:';$false=':red_circle:'}[$pesterADDS.FailedCount -eq 0]
$color = @{$true='green';$false='red'}[$pesterADDS.FailedCount -eq 0]
$Fields = [PSCustomObject]@{
Total = $pesterADDS.TotalCount
Passed = $pesterADDS.PassedCount
Failed = $pesterADDS.FailedCount
Skipped = $pesterADDS.SkippedCount
Pending = $pesterADDS.PendingCount
} | New-SlackField -Short
$slackAttachments = @{
Color = $([System.Drawing.Color]::$color)
PreText = 'Active Directory Pester Results'
AuthorName = '@irwins'
AuthorIcon = ';
Fields = $Fields
Fallback = 'Your client is bad'
Title = 'Pester counts'
TitleLink = ';
Text = @{$true='Everything passed';$false='Check failed tests'}[$pesterADDS.FailedCount -eq 0]
New-SlackMessageAttachment @slackAttachments |
New-SlackMessage -Channel 'powershell' -IconEmoji $iconEmoji -AsUser -Username '@irwins' |
Send-SlackMessage -Token $token

Shout-out to you guys for your contribution to the PowerShell community! Keep it up! This is going to make Pester reporting and notifications way easier and not to mention cool! 😉

Hope it’s worth something to you







File servers configuration report

Sup’ PSHomies,

I recently blogged about how awesome PScribo is, couldn’t forget my other favorite go to module when it comes to reporting: ImportExcel brought to us by Doug Finke!

I’ve blogged about my love for csv files and what the possibilities are when it comes to exporting and what to look out for.

My reason for exporting to csv is mostly to create Excel reports. Well if that’s your case you might as well just cut out the middle-man and go straight to the source!

Excel is a great way to analyze your data. I know my way around Excel so that helps.

The title of this blog is about file servers configuration. Think volumes, shares etc etc. The idea is to gather all File server related data (Now where have you seen that before 😛 ) and create a xlsx file report.

I don’t know about you but it seems like the community is producing more and more high quality blogs on just about every subject you can think of! I can barely keep up!

I enjoyed Jaap Brasser’s take on storing your credentials. Thanks for sharing Jaap! 😉

I’m using a scriptblock in combination with invoke-command to gather the needed information . The scriptblock returns a custom object.

$sbStorage = {
        Volume = $(Get-Volume | Select-Object *)
        SMBShare = $(Get-SmbShare | Select-Object *)
        SMBShareAccess = $(Get-SmbShare | Get-SmbShareAccess)
        SMBShareNTFS = $(Get-SmbShare |
            Where-Object{ $_.Name -ne 'IPC$'} |
            Get-Acl |
                Select-Object @{Name='Path';Expression={($_.Path).Replace('Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::','')}},
        Disk = $(Get-Disk | Select-Object *)
        VSSShadows = $(vssadmin.exe list Shadows)
        VSSWriters = $(vssadmin.exe list Writers)

#region Main
$snapshotStorage = $Servers |
  Invoke-Command  -ComputerName $_.ComputerName -ScriptBlock $sbStorage -Credential $cred

I’m using admin credentials in my test lab so this will also work without -Credential. This was sufficient in my case.

Here’s a quick rundown on what the script basically does. Let’s take a look at documenting Shares to get the general idea…

#region Get Shares
$snapshotStorage |
    $ComputerName = $_.PSComputerName

    $_.SMBShare |
            ComputerName = $ComputerName
            Name = $_.Name
            Path = $_.Path
            Description = $_.Description
            ShareState = $_.ShareState
Export-Csv .\export\storage\FS_SMBShares-$($exportDate).csv -Encoding UTF8 -Delimiter &quot;`t&quot; -NoTypeInformation

#Export to xlsx file
Import-Csv .\export\storage\FS_SMBShares-$($exportDate).csv -Encoding UTF8 -Delimiter &quot;`t&quot; |
Export-Excel -Path $xlsxFile -WorkSheetname SMBShares -AutoSize -BoldTopRow -FreezeTopRow

For each server we’ve captured share information to $_.SMBShares. Simply select the properties you want and save to a custom object. Saving to csv and then exporting to Excel makes sure that everything is a string . This is one of those times that having your object cast as string comes in handy ;-). Also, most of us don’t have Excel on every server. Having the csv files let’s you quickly assess what you can expect in your Excel report.

Export-Excel has quite an extensive parameterset

Export-Excel syntax

No need to open the xlsx file, autosize and freeze to the toprow, just add the following switches -AutoSize -BoldTopRow -FreezeTopRow and your good to go!

Author: I. Strachan
Version History:
Purpose: Get File Servers storage configuration
#region FileServers to process
$Servers = @"
"@ | ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter "`t"
#region import saved credential and initialize variables
#Jaap Brassers blog on saving credentials.
$Hash = Import-CliXml -Path "${env:\userprofile}\Hash.Cred"
$cred = $Hash.'pshirwin-admin'
$exportDate = Get-Date -Format ddMMyyyy
$xlsxFile = ".\export\storage\PSHIRWIN - StorageReport - $($exportDate).xlsx"
$null = Get-SmbShare | Get-SmbShareAccess
#region Helper functions and scriptblock
filter Get-CapacitySize {
'{0:N2} {1}' -f $(
if ($_ -lt 1kb) { $_, 'Bytes' }
elseif ($_ -lt 1mb) { ($_/1kb), 'KB' }
elseif ($_ -lt 1gb) { ($_/1mb), 'MB' }
elseif ($_ -lt 1tb) { ($_/1gb), 'GB' }
elseif ($_ -lt 1pb) { ($_/1tb), 'TB' }
else { ($_/1pb), 'PB' }
$sbStorage = {
Volume = $(Get-Volume | Select-Object *)
SMBShare = $(Get-SmbShare | Select-Object *)
SMBShareAccess = $(Get-SmbShare | Get-SmbShareAccess)
SMBShareNTFS = $(Get-SmbShare |
Where-Object{ $_.Name -ne 'IPC$'} |
Get-Acl |
Select-Object @{Name='Path';Expression={($_.Path).Replace('Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::','')}},
Disk = $(Get-Disk | Select-Object *)
VSSShadows = $(vssadmin.exe list Shadows)
VSSWriters = $(vssadmin.exe list Writers)
#region Main
$snapshotStorage = $Servers |
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $_.ComputerName -ScriptBlock $sbStorage -Credential $cred
#region Export snapshot to XML
$snapshotStorage | Export-Clixml .\export\storage\StorageSnapshot-$($exportDate).xml -Encoding UTF8
#region Create CSV reports
#export Server names to xlsxFile
Export-Excel -Path $xlsxFile -WorkSheetname Servers -AutoSize -BoldTopRow
#region Get Volume Names
$snapshotStorage |
$ComputerName = $_.PSComputerName
$_.Volume |
ComputerName = $ComputerName
DriveLetter = $_.Driveletter
FileSystemLabel = $_.FileSystemLabel
DiskSize = $_.Size | Get-CapacitySize
UsedSpace = $_.SizeRemaining | Get-CapacitySize
FreeSpace = ($_.Size - $_.SizeRemaining) | Get-CapacitySize
} |
Export-Csv .\export\storage\FS_VolumeNames-$($exportDate).csv -Encoding UTF8 -Delimiter "`t" -NoTypeInformation
#Export to xlsx file
Import-Csv .\export\storage\FS_VolumeNames-$($exportDate).csv -Encoding UTF8 -Delimiter "`t" |
Export-Excel -Path $xlsxFile -WorkSheetname VolumeNames -AutoSize -BoldTopRow -FreezeTopRow
#region Get Shares
$snapshotStorage |
$ComputerName = $_.PSComputerName
$_.SMBShare |
ComputerName = $ComputerName
Name = $_.Name
Path = $_.Path
Description = $_.Description
ShareState = $_.ShareState
Export-Csv .\export\storage\FS_SMBShares-$($exportDate).csv -Encoding UTF8 -Delimiter "`t" -NoTypeInformation
#Export to xlsx file
Import-Csv .\export\storage\FS_SMBShares-$($exportDate).csv -Encoding UTF8 -Delimiter "`t" |
Export-Excel -Path $xlsxFile -WorkSheetname SMBShares -AutoSize -BoldTopRow -FreezeTopRow
#region Get Sharesaccess
$snapshotStorage |
$ComputerName = $_.PSComputerName
$_.SMBShareAccess |
ComputerName = $ComputerName
Name = $_.Name
AccountName = $_.AccountName
AccessControlType = $_.AccessControlType
AccessRight = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Cmdletization.GeneratedTypes.SmbShare.ShareAccessRight]$_.AccessRight
Export-Csv .\export\storage\FS_SMBSharesAccess-$($exportDate).csv -Encoding UTF8 -Delimiter "`t" -NoTypeInformation
#Export to xlsx file
Import-Csv .\export\storage\FS_SMBSharesAccess-$($exportDate).csv -Encoding UTF8 -Delimiter "`t" |
Export-Excel -Path $xlsxFile -WorkSheetname SMBSharesAccess -AutoSize -BoldTopRow -FreezeTopRow
#region Get Shares NTFS Access
$snapshotStorage |
$ComputerName = $_.PSComputerName
$_.SMBShareNTFS |
$fullPathName = $_.Path
$pathOwner = $_.Owner
ComputerName = $ComputerName
Path = $fullPathName
Owner = $pathOwner
IdentityReference = $_.IdentityReference
FileSystemRights = $_.FileSystemRights
AccessControlType = $_.AccessControlType
IsInherited = $_.IsInherited
InheritanceFlags = $_.InheritanceFlags
PropagationFlags = $_.PropagationFlags
Export-Csv .\export\storage\FS_SMBSharesNTFS-$($exportDate).csv -Encoding UTF8 -Delimiter "`t" -NoTypeInformation
#Export to xlsx file
Import-Csv .\export\storage\FS_SMBSharesNTFS-$($exportDate).csv -Encoding UTF8 -Delimiter "`t" |
Export-Excel -Path $xlsxFile -WorkSheetname SMBSharesNTFS -AutoSize -BoldTopRow -FreezeTopRow
#region VSS Shadow copies
$shadowCopyProperties = [Ordered]@{
ShadowCopySetID = ''
CreationTime = ''
ShadowCopyID = ''
OriginalVolume = ''
ShadowCopyVolume = ''
Machine = ''
Provider = ''
Type = ''
Attributes = ''
$snapshotStorage |
foreach($line in $_.VSSShadows){
{$_ -match 'Contents of shadow copy set ID:'}
$shadowCopy = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $shadowCopyProperties
$shadowCopy.ShadowCopySetID = $_.Substring(32).Trim()
{$_ -match ' Contained 1 shadow copies at creation time:'}
{ $shadowCopy.CreationTime = $_.Substring(46).Trim() }
{$_ -match ' Shadow Copy ID:'}
{ $shadowCopy.ShadowCopyID = $_.Substring(21).Trim() }
{$_ -match ' Original Volume:'}
{ $shadowCopy.OriginalVolume = $_.Substring(26).Trim() }
{$_ -match ' Shadow Copy Volume:'}
{ $shadowCopy.ShadowCopyVolume = $_.Substring(29).Trim() }
{$_ -match ' Originating Machine: '}
{ $shadowCopy.Machine = $_.Substring(30).Trim() }
{$_ -match ' Provider:'}
{ $shadowCopy.Provider = $_.Substring(19).Trim() }
{$_ -match ' Type:'}
{ $shadowCopy.Type = $_.Substring(15).Trim() }
{$_ -match ' Attributes:'}
$shadowCopy.Attributes = $_.Substring(21).Trim()
Export-Csv .\export\storage\FS_VSSShadowCopies-$($exportDate).csv -Encoding UTF8 -Delimiter "`t" -NoTypeInformation
#Export to xlsx file
Import-Csv .\export\storage\FS_VSSShadowCopies-$($exportDate).csv -Encoding UTF8 -Delimiter "`t" |
Export-Excel -Path $xlsxFile -WorkSheetname 'VSS Shadow copies' -AutoSize -BoldTopRow -FreezeTopRow
#region VSS Writers
$shadowWriterProperties = [Ordered]@{
ComputerName = ''
Name = ''
ID = ''
InstanceID = ''
State = ''
LastError = ''
$snapshotStorage |
$ComputerName = $_.PSComputerName
foreach($line in $_.VSSWriters){
{$_ -match 'Writer name:'}
$shadowWriter = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $shadowWriterProperties
$shadowWriter.ComputerName = $ComputerName
$shadowWriter.Name = $_.Substring(12).Replace("'",'').Trim()
{$_ -match ' Writer Id:'}
{ $shadowWriter.ID = $_.Substring(13).Trim() }
{$_ -match ' Writer Instance Id:'}
{ $shadowWriter.InstanceID = $_.Substring(22).Trim() }
{$_ -match ' State: '}
{ $shadowWriter.State = $_.Substring(13).Trim() }
{$_ -match ' Last error:'}
$shadowWriter.LastError = $_.Substring(14).Trim()
Export-Csv .\export\storage\FS_VSSShadowWriters-$($exportDate).csv -Encoding UTF8 -Delimiter "`t" -NoTypeInformation
#Export to xlsx file
Import-Csv .\export\storage\FS_VSSShadowWriters-$($exportDate).csv -Encoding UTF8 -Delimiter "`t" |
Export-Excel -Path $xlsxFile -WorkSheetname 'VSS Shadow writers' -AutoSize -BoldTopRow -FreezeTopRow

Here’s a quick impression of the xlsx file

File Server Excel Report

I can’t say enough good things about Import-Excel. Doug Finke actively maintains this module and is open to suggestions to make it better! Thanks for making reporting in Excel so much easier Doug!

Hope it’s worth something to you

