Monthly Archives: May 2015

SDDL gives more NTFS insight

I’ve been doing migrations, oh say for the past 10 years (Hmmm, that’s long if I do say so myself) Data Migrations can be complex depending what needs to be achieved. I remember using ScriptLogic to map drives depending on which subnet a user was on, that was way before DFS was available… Good times…

I’ve had my share of headaches when it comes to Data migrations. The biggest challenge is interoperability, when Target Resources keeps on using Source Resources until all Source Resources have been migrated. Sometimes it’s just not possible to migrate all Source Resources at once (what we affectionately call ‘big bang’). If data is being mutated by different departments/projects that aren’t migrated at the same time then interoperability is your only choice… Still tricky though…

Ok so here’s the scenario: Migrate Resources from one AD Forest to another (with a trust in place). I’ll take you through the Data part 🙂

The key component is to use SIDHistory. SIDHistory will help resolve whether you have access or not to a Source Resource. My favorite replication tool has to be robocopy! It wasn’t love at first sight, but once I figured out all the parameters, then there isn’t much you can’t accomplish with it!

For interoperability we usually redirect Target Resources to the Source. This way Data mutation can still be achieved without disturbing Production. In the mean time data is being synced to the Target Domain with ACLs intact! Why? We’ll get to that later… Or might as well get into it now… 🙂

Ok so ACL (Access Control List) is that list you get when you open up a file or folder security tab. The accounts are referred to as ACE (Access Control Entry). That’s where you’d grant/remove an account read/write/full/etc access to said file or folder. When using SIDHistory you’re token access will resolve correctly, but here’s where it gets tricky

I’ve copied Data with robocopy keeping security intact. When I opened a folder security tab I noticed the Target account name being displayed. That threw me off because I didn’t reacl the target resource yet.

Quick sidestep ReACL is a term I came across using Quest Active Directory Manager (now DELL). ReACL can be done by adding the Target Account (doubling the amount of ACEs) or doing a cleanup by first adding the Target account and removing the Source Account. You can also rollback if needed but that one is tricky, especially if SIDHistory has more than one entry.

But you wouldn’t know that by looking at the folder Security tab.

If you really want to find out who has access, SDDL will let you know. SDDL uses an object SID to grant or deny access. Thing is SDDL is hard to read hence the Security tab. So the first time I ReACLed a folder adding the Target Account I saw that the ACEs did double, but I only saw the Target Account. I expected to see SOURCE\ACCOUNT;TARGET\ACCOUNT instead I was seeing the TARGET\ACOUNT twice. Here’s where looking at SDDL will give you more insight… Suffice to say we’ll be doing this the PowerShell way… Oh come on! don’t act so surprised! 😛

So first let’s get the ACL of the folder you want to inspect (try this on your folder):

$acl = get-acl '\\\g$\GRP\DATA\DEPT-001-XYZ'

To find out who has access  type $acl.Access. This will give you a list of all ACEs in the ACL. This is the list you’d also see in Explorer security tab (advance mind you, I noticed that). Now for the fun part $acl.sddl… Tada!!!



Seems complicated, well yes it is, still it’s worth figuring out… Have a look at MSDN for more information.

The tell tale is the Domain SID, every Account begins with it. Looking at the Domain SID tells you who actually has access (or not) to said resource and which Domain that account belongs to.

The Domain SID for the current domain I’m inspecting is:
DomainSID : S-1-5-21-602145358-1453371165-789345543
You can get the Domain SID using Get-ADDomain cmdlet… 😉

I picked an ACE from the $acl.access list:

FileSystemRights : Modify, Synchronize
AccessControlType : Allow
IdentityReference : SOURCE\DEPT-001-XYZ-RXWR
IsInherited : False
InheritanceFlags : ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit
PropagationFlags : None

Let’s get some AD properties from this acount

Get-ADGroup -Identity DEPT-001-XYZ-RXWR -Server -Properties SID,SIDHistory
SamAccountName : DEPT-001-XYZ-RXWR
SID : S-1-5-21-602145358-1453371165-789345543-35829
SIDHistory : S-1-5-21-103234515-1370883554-928726630-4307

Here’s the sddl string once more:


This group has access using SIDHistory!!!

Ok now what? Well in an ideal situation the data would have been ReACLed using the current SID instead of the SIDHistory. The reason for that is to cleanup your SIDHistory to avoid tokenbloat. Here’s an excellent blog by the dirteam discussing the perils of tokenbloat.

This only scratched the surface of what you could investigate! There aren’t many tools (Free) that can help. Ashley Mcglone has an excellent series on the matter definitely worth reading.

I’m currently doing a Data migration (surprise!) so I’ll be adding more tips/tricks/gotchas as the Data migration progresses so stay tuned!

Hope this will steer you in the right direction when it comes to figuring out who has access…
The rabbit hole goes deep…

