It dawned on me that my previous blog was all about QR Code encryption. Yes it is possible to create QR codes encrypted. But can you create QR Codes in PowerShell?

As always Google is your friend. Let’s just Google “qr codes generate PowerShell”. Turns out there is a PowerShell script created by Matthew Painter.  Believe it or not the script is 3 years old! It worked like a charm!

Matthew uses Google apis to generate QR Codes (free of charge 😉 ) Best part, you can also do batch processing. Nice!

Here’s the tinyurl to Matthew’s code :


And in QR Code… 😉

Matthew sums it up nicely in his Description. There’s just something magical about QR Codes. Kinda like using a metal detector, only you’re hunting for QR Codes.

Have a look at Google apis for more information on QR Code:


I think QR Codes could be interesting when it comes to two step verification. And if you could encrypt your QR code… Imagine the possibilities…

Oh I almost forgot, here’s the PowerShell code you can use to generate tinyurls:

Courtesy of PowerTips.


Couldn’t help myself…







1 thought on “Creating QR Codes in PowerShell

  1. testing2

    You should be aware though that all this script does is set some parameters and call a Google API, so don’t use it for sensitive data, and you can’t use it without an internet connection.



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